Updated 4/19/2023
I know from past experience, some days it's hard for me to maintain optimism, when I don’t even want to roll out of bed.
That's why I suggest to restore a positive outlook in a world that may seem to be filled with problems and negative hype, challenge yourself.
The 5 self-care skills I describe—have proven to be emotional/mental health lifesavers, and are well worth the effort to implement.
Establishing a daily routine helps reduce anxiety, improves self-confidence, and helps us get back on track.
Take it from me, just as a workout routine helps our physical health, daily self-care helps calm chaotic thoughts, reminds us of daily goals, and creates compassionate feelings for ourselves and others.
5 Self-care Skills You Need to Know
1. Start the morning in a meditative way, because it sets the tone for the day. Make it a priority to start off easily and fluidly.
For example, my biological clock wakes me without an alarm, so I’m not jolted out of bed. I take a few moments to stretch my body through yoga and get my blood moving. Then I spend quiet time in prayer, meditation, or journal writing.
Note: I choose to use no electronic equipment for prayer, meditation, asanas (yoga poses), and journal writing. I prefer to connect with my higher wisdom and check in with myself in a minimalist way.
If you like an app for yoga, meditation, prayer or other meditative routine, go for it. For me electronic equipment early in the day (5 am) just stirs me up and makes me tempted to text, look at email, or get sidetracked and go on a social media frenzy.
After I eat a nourishing breakfast, wash and brush, and spend a few moments to straighten up my home (make the bed, and chop up a salad for lunch, etc.), I get to work.
When I keep self-care routines simple, I feel more grounded in my body, mind, and spirit.
Then, I set an intention for my day to be mindful and loving. This allows me to be responsible for my own happiness, and releases my "ego's need" to strive for results.
2. Understand a Positive Attitude is Key. Be kind, present, self-caring, and nonjudgmental with yourself and others as you go through your daily activities.
Full consciousness tends to reduce negativity, fear, and confusion. In addition, a no-attachment view of how people, things, and places need to be, reduces anxiety, worry, uncertainty, and creates greater compassion.
3. Eat more fruits and veggies. Reserve time to prepare and eat healthy food. It’s a great way to practice self-care throughout the day.
Top nutrition minds advise us to eat a variety of at least 5 to 9 servings of color-rich vegetables, legumes, beans, nuts, seeds, and fruit a day.
Brightly colored low-fat plant-based whole foods aren't just visually appealing. Fruits and veggies are nature's way of highlighting a broad range of nutrients that boost health.
In its original state, each vegetable or fruit is low in saturated fat, pleasing to the palette, filling, and doesn't make us feel overstuffed or sluggish. Research indicates eating whole food plant-based foods elevates mood and productivity.
4. Include fun activities or periods of non-doing into your routine. Try this. Wear pink to brighten your complexion, warm your heart, feel love, or when you sense a need to nurture yourself.
Ask yourself… what things make me feel happy and part of the human race? Partake of those sports, clubs, religious or spiritual groups, social activities, or hobbies you enjoy as often as you can.
Relaxation also elevates overall well-being. See How to Use Flowers and Plants to Increase Wellness for additional fun ideas.
5. Strengthen your self-care routine by connecting to your inner life. What you say, think, or feel about yourself, has an impact on how well you treat yourself.
Journal writing raises self-awareness, and helps you understand your reasoning, vulnerabilities, and strengths.
Focusing on your talents and skills increases feelings of self-worth. Read Tips to Help You Keep a Success Journal and Soar at Business and Life!
The work you do on yourself has a ripple effect. It influences how smoothly you interact with others. Come into your power by owning your worthiness to be happy.
Use affirmations, mantras, or other positive outlets like combining shower power with affirmations. Putting these skills into practice is a simple way to shift energy from negative to positive.
"When you develop healthy self-care habits, you put money in the upbeat bank. That pays off in feel-good vibes." Nancy Andres๐
Sometimes self-care is not enough. If you're experiencing life burnout, check out this article that lists symptoms, and seek professional help.
Get treatment if you're dealing with addictions, financial problems, or other serious behavioral/health issues. Elizabeth Hartney, PhD states, “Most addictions have a serious impact on finances. In fact, financial problems are cited as a possible symptom of addiction for substance dependence and compulsive gambling.”
Most of us haven’t totally thrown self-care out the window. My experience and most probably yours too, shows that we function best when we take good care of ourselves.
I wish you abundance and joy each day, and encourage you to use self-care skills to make your health and happiness a lifestyle priority.
What self-care techniques work best for you and why?
When you feel in a rut, how do you restore optimism?
One way I do this is to walk in nature or meet a friend for lunch.
What self-care practices are you willing to try?
Any I haven’t mentioned that work for you?
The work you do on yourself has a ripple effect. It influences how smoothly you interact with others. Come into your power by owning your worthiness to be happy.
Use affirmations, mantras, or other positive outlets like combining shower power with affirmations. Putting these skills into practice is a simple way to shift energy from negative to positive.
"When you develop healthy self-care habits, you put money in the upbeat bank. That pays off in feel-good vibes." Nancy Andres๐
Sometimes self-care is not enough. If you're experiencing life burnout, check out this article that lists symptoms, and seek professional help.
Get treatment if you're dealing with addictions, financial problems, or other serious behavioral/health issues. Elizabeth Hartney, PhD states, “Most addictions have a serious impact on finances. In fact, financial problems are cited as a possible symptom of addiction for substance dependence and compulsive gambling.”
Most of us haven’t totally thrown self-care out the window. My experience and most probably yours too, shows that we function best when we take good care of ourselves.
I wish you abundance and joy each day, and encourage you to use self-care skills to make your health and happiness a lifestyle priority.
Please comment below and/or answer one of the questions that follows:
What self-care techniques work best for you and why?
When you feel in a rut, how do you restore optimism?
One way I do this is to walk in nature or meet a friend for lunch.
What self-care practices are you willing to try?
Any I haven’t mentioned that work for you?
I welcome comments, questions, and feedback in the comments section below.
Please don't put links in your comments, as they won't be published that way.
Thanks for understanding.
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