Want to feel more joy, peace,
and lightness in your being? Life experience and research shows when we replace
outmoded or ineffective behavior or attitudes with healthier ones, it raises
the frequency of our energy/vibration.
I offer the ideas below to help you evaluate your personal habits, routines, and choices and take it from there.
I offer the ideas below to help you evaluate your personal habits, routines, and choices and take it from there.
This post has been updated 06/06/2023
Reduce pain or stress in mind, body, or spirit by implementing some of the self-care elements suggested below.
Use them to re-train your brain to think more clearly and focus on the positive.
Employ them to tap into self-love, and work and play with greater enthusiasm.
50 Ways to Raise Your Vibration
2. Absorb color energy from ocean, lake, river, or stream
3. Read for fun
5. Hydrate with water
8. Be kind
9. Cuddle
10. Talk instead of text
11. Reach out instead of isolating
12. Soak in an Epsom salt
13. Visit a museum or art
14. Walk on the beach or in the forest
15. Breathe deeply
16. Bike ride in a park
17. Phone a bud to chat
19. Get more zzz's
20. Inhale the scent of
freshly cut grass
23. Trust yourself
24. Mind your own business
26. Refresh with lemonade, cocoa, herbal tea
27. Climb a hill or mountain
28. Skip, gallop, or dance
30. Listen to music (Claude Bolling - Suite for Flute and Jazz Piano Trio - Sentimentale)
31. Create a vision board
32. Chant your mantra
33. Pray
34. Meditate
35. Balance your chakras (see links below)
36. Learn something new
37. Daydream
39. Hug a tree or walk
40. Do anything with
41. Light the way for
someone else
42. Do chair yoga, gentle
stretches, and get moving
43. Play ball with a child or pet
44. Gaze at the horizon
45. Have a picnic
46. Release perfectionism
47. Cozy up to good enough
48. Create something
49. Serve a Greater Good
Additional Tips:
Raise your vibration sky high by practicing the techniques suggested above. I guarantee they work to increase wellness and bring more zest into daily living.
Before you go, please comment below. I'd love to know how many of these life skills you use and which ones help you the most. Please don't put links in your comments, as they won't be published that way.
Do you find certain self-care practices challenging? Are there any you still need to develop?
Many of the posts I share on this blog feature self-care activities. Please check them out.
Feel free to re-share posts so others might benefit too, but don't forget to provide a link back to this post or to those posts you share. 💗
Feel free to re-share posts so others might benefit too, but don't forget to provide a link back to this post or to those posts you share. 💗