Positive self-talk and the empowering words we use to describe our daily lives can improve our mindset, and motivate, change, and inspire us.
That’s why choosing a word for the year can be such a self-affirming idea.
In a blog I posted early this year, I posed the question Why Choose a Word for the Year? In this post I'll demonstrate how to gain motivation from our word for the year.
Look at the content that follows. It features tips and ideas to help us use our word for 2023 and beyond to stimulate forward momentum and make progress in fulfilling our dreams.
If we choose a word like invigorate or passion, it helps encourage us to make impactful choices, spring into action, and focus on those things we can control.
Action words help motivate us to accept responsibility for stepping ahead with enthusiasm and vitality.
If we aim to experience more serenity and peace this year being words including contentment, satisfaction, or pleasure might align with us.
I suggest we reflect on the past year, take stock of our accomplishments and challenges, notice our current values and goals, and select a word for the year that resonates for us.
If we choose a word that reminds us to do the footwork, we'll be better able to practice those habits, attitudes, and behaviors that help us attract the people and experiences we want to cultivate in the new year.
Tips and Ideas to Help
Us With
1. Psychologists have found self-motivation is
the reason why we do what we do. It is a reason why we go to work,
why we are drawn to someone and not someone else, or why we enjoy extreme adventure or prefer reading mysteries in our spare time.
When we are self-motivated we sense and acknowledge what we really want.
The meaning of
self-motivation comes from passion and an underlying desire to achieve
Self-motivation can be a driving force in our professional and personal journey.
Nothing can
stand in our way, if we're sure of what we want to do and how we want to do
2. Angela Wood (Clinical Social Worker) and Ralph Wood
(Health Educator and Professor), authors of “How to Motivate Yourself to Change,” recommends looking inward for
insights to help us change.
3. Break up large goals into smaller ones. Take tiny steps to make advances.
4. Celebrate even the tiniest accomplishment. Nothing breeds more success than glimmers of hope.
To illustrate what I mean, I'm sharing my word for the year and one way I'll use it. My word for 2023 is Yes!
I make a commitment to myself to be still and listen wholeheartedly, when someone requests or invites me to do something.
I won't respond, until I'm able to fully process what they are asking.
My affirmative one word goal helps me remember to pause long enough not to have a knee jerk reaction and blurt out no or yes but.
I will not allow fear of the unknown to trigger me. I refuse to flee or shut down emotionally, rather than consider what is being put on the table.
I intend to change my behavior by letting others express themselves completely. This gives me an opportunity to breathe deeply and listen mindfully.
5. Recognize and appreciate sustaining forward
momentum may require hard work, persistence, and self-discipline, yet it is
worth it.
For support, we can use motivational quotes that ring true and recite them aloud to help us stay on track.
"Nothing will work unless you do." ~Maya
6. Through trial and error, I've learned to tackle my most important projects first thing in the day, when my stamina is in high gear.
Observe which part of the day is most productive for you. Then prioritize your time accordingly.
"The secret of getting ahead is starting. The secret of getting
started is breaking your tasks into smaller manageable tasks, and then starting
on the first one." ~Mark Twain
7. Identify and embrace those colors that help self-motivate. Colors can be a conduit for energy shifts, and serve as a powerful path for healing and personal growth.
Many people find bright yellow and golden yellow invigorate, help their power of concentration, and create a sunny outlook.
The color yellow is naturally associated with the sun and its life giving, sustaining energy. Let this vibrant energy source work by wearing a yellow dress or cap, eating a banana, or displaying a bunch of sunflowers in a pretty vase.
Use the color blue to help calm, soothe, and settle your mind and spirit.
Blue is the color of the throat chakra and center for the spoken word (sky blue).
The throat is the passageway by which we express feelings through communication.
Meditating on a blue image before we express ourselves, helps us speak effectively and honestly.
Pale blue sheets or blue accent pieces in a bedroom encourages sleep. Blue wall coverings, blankets, or pillows makes the room appear cooler and larger than it actually is.
Blue comforts us emotionally at the cellular level, and helps us detach from things that are beyond our control.
8. If you need fresh ideas and/or want to learn new techniques to help you get ahead, do research about your topic, and seek guidance from successful people (mentors).
Listen to inspiring podcasts, read or listen to memoirs of courageous people, and keep a journal to gain self-confidence and be accountable to yourself.
9. Believe in something greater than
yourself including love, kindness, and goodness.
When we contemplate the vastness of the universe, it may help us better see things in perspective.
A gratitude practice, meditation, prayer, time spent in nature, 12 step programs, religious advisors, and therapy can be additional avenues for self-development.
Find and practice as many or few as work for you.
10. Schedule time for relaxation, rest, fun, community, and enjoyment. All work and no play is a sure path to burn-out.
Laugh, dance, sing, play a sport, and spend time with loved ones. Pace yourself and enjoy the journey. ✌
Just know taking steps to change old patterns requires attention, yet is definitely a possibility.
Choosing a word for the
year based on personal aspirations and intentions is a great way to make progress and improve our sense of wellness in the New Year.
This one word can provide the “why”
to our goals and help us live more intentionally each day.
This is your year! So live it to its
fullest. 💗
Have you considered selecting a word for the year and what is it? If you care to, please explain why it is meaningful to you.
Which of my ideas helps motivate you?
If you'd be so kind, please comment in the section below, then hit publish.
Put no links in your comment, as they can't be published that way.
Happy, Healthy New Year and
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Excellent information and research- it's always good to be reminded how important our self talk is to our motivation. Enjoyed your post. Happy New Year Nancy.
ReplyDeleteThanks Judee for your kind comment and best wishes for a fabulous New Year.
DeleteI enjoyed all your information Nan. My word for this year will be courage, courage to be be true to myself and my values, even when others might disagree, and the courage to get out of my comfort zone socially.
ReplyDeleteI need some courage in the New Year as well. Thanks for your reminder and best wishes on the journey.
DeleteThese are wonderful tips and words of inspiration. I especially like the quote from May Angelou: "nothing will work unless you do." So true!
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 48.
Thanks for the comment and hosting Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 48 and have a good weekend.