
Friday, July 15, 2022

July Fun Facts, Special Days, and Folklore

July Fun, Special Days, and Folklore

There are many reasons why July is a fabulous month. Please keep on reading to learn which July Fun Facts, Special Days, and Folklore delights me. Perhaps you'll find some new July things to love too. 💓

The unique symbols for people born during the month of July include a birthstone, 2 birth month flowers, and 2 astrological signs. Please look below to discover what they are.

Post Updated 6/24/2024

Ruby is the birthstone of July

Ruby is the birth stone of July

Fiery red rubies have been prized throughout the ages and called the “King of Precious Stones.” They attract attention and dazzle, primarily because their deep red color is eye-catching, and produced by traces of the mineral, red chromium. 


Larkspur and Water Lily are July Birth Flowers

Larkspurs belong to a group of tall showy flowers that bloom in beautiful colors including purple, blue, red, yellow, or white. The petals fuse together forming a spur and hence the flower's name. 

Larkspur is a birth flower for July

Water lily, the second July Birth Flower thrives in water as the name implies. Water lily blossom colors range from white to pink, yellow, red, or blue flowers; many of these are of hybrid origin.

Water Lily is a Birth Flower for July

There are 2 Star Signs in July

For those born July 1st through July 22nd, the star sign is Cancer. For those born on or after July 23rd, the star sign is Leo.

Cancer is a Star Sign for July

Those born under the sign of Cancer are said to be loyal friends with great emotional depth.

Leo is a Star Sign for July

Those born under the sign of Leo are said to be very proud people who display great leadership.

More Things to Love about July

The lunar landing happened on July 16, 1969.

July is a great month to go plastic-free and celebrate "Plastic Free July." 

July is the second summer month after June. Its place in the calendar provides time to get used to hotter weather, but plenty of time to swim, play sports, or have many daylight hours to play.

There are several countries which have their Independence Day during the month of July.

The 4th of July is Independence Day in the USA, with fireworks, cookouts, and informal gatherings.

July is usually the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere, and it can get mega hot. To avoid dehydration, it's key to drink plenty of water. Strong summer rays make wearing sunscreen every day an important thing to remember. 

July 15th is National Give Something Away Day. This is an ideal time to donate items and money, give of your time, and share your bounty. 

To encourage additional generosity and love in July read Best Ways to Inspire Gratitude with Affirmations. 

Sometimes the hot, long days of July are called the "dog days of summer."

Because the temperature climbs in July, it's best to move more slowly than usual. Some people even take an afternoon siesta to relieve stress and restore equilibrium.

Nap time afternoon siesta

July is a good month to catch up on fun reading. See "Summertime and Reading is Easy and Awesome" for book ideas.

Selfcare by relaxing with summer reading

July is a wonderful month to serve the best tomato gazpacho soup to cool off. 

Colorful, flavorful Tomato Gazpacho

In the southern hemisphere, July is, on average, the coldest month of the year, being the second month of winter.

I always eat a lot of fruits and veggies in July and I researched these:

Read about in-season crops in the southern hemisphere during July.

See which fruit is in season here in the northern hemisphere this July. 

Discover three northern hemisphere in-season summer veggies that are health superstars.

July was named after Julius Caesar, and chosen by the Roman senate, because Caesar was born in July.

July 30th is International Day of Friendship, designated by the United Nations General Assembly to honor and give thanks for worldwide relationships that promote peace, unity, and understanding.

July Folklore sayings include the following:

Ne’er trust a July sky.

If ant hills are high in July, the coming winter will be hard.

No tempest, good July.

Whatever July and August do not boil, September cannot fry.

The Buck Full Moon in July, Brightest Full Moon of the Year

July’s full moon, the Buck Full Moon occurs on Sunday, July 21st and is the biggest, brightest super moon of the year. Here's why it’s called the Buck Moon.

Buck Full Moon in July

No matter how busy or laid back July is for you, wishing you a fabulous month of July fun and happenings to enjoy. 🎈🎡🎵🎇

Before you go, please comment below. Which fun facts and July pastimes appeal to you? 

Which hemisphere do you live in and how do you celebrate special days that fall in the month of July? I'd love to know.

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Friday, July 1, 2022

Best Ways to Inspire Gratitude with Affirmations

Inspire Gratitude with These Self-care Tips

Several studies indicate that a gratitude-affirmation practice can  enhance health, happiness, and life satisfaction. Composing and reciting gratitude affirmations may even improve the relationship we have with ourselves and others.

Results of one study, “Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life,” published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Feb. 2003), indicates conscious recognition of ones blessings has emotional and interpersonal benefits. 

Positive thoughts can rewire the brain, and shift focus to things we are grateful for rather than those we worry or grumble about.

Composing and reciting gratitude affirmations and recording them in a gratitude journal is an effective way to create and acknowledge feel good vibes, and incorporate optimism and creativity into daily activities.

Best Ways to Inspire 




Schedule 15 minutes of gratitude journal writing time into our daily morning or nightly routine. Aim to compose and jot down at least 3 gratitude affirmations. Then repeat each aloud. 

Inspire Gratitude with Journal Writing and Affirmations

A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine in 2016 where heart patient participants followed through on this simple self-care practice each day, indicates those who wrote daily in a gratitude journal  had less pain, reduced inflammation, and felt an increased sense of well-being.

Daily repetition of gratitude affirmations helps us hear and re-train our brain to accept gratitude affirmations as possibilities, and be motivated to pursue them.

"Being thankful is not always our natural state of existence. When we record and recite gratitude affirmations as an ongoing practice, akin to a type of strength training for the heart, miracles can happen." ~Nancy Andres

Make Affirmations and Gratitude Journaling part of Routine

Please feel free to create your own gratitude affirmations or affirm ones I share below:

Gratitude Affirmations

 I am grateful I have a positive attitude. I view each experience, activity, or challenge as an opportunity for self-empowerment and personal growth.

I am grateful I am part of an infinite Universe that wants the best for me.

I am grateful for my education. I use my skills, talents, and abilities wisely and show my thankfulness by sharing my light with others.

I am grateful for my family, friends, acquaintances, and even people I have yet to meet. Each one helps me practice unconditional love and relate to myself and others with compassion and generosity.

I am grateful and give thanks for all that I have. When I appreciate even the tiniest of things, I attract additional abundance.

I am grateful for my mind, body, and spirit and treat them with the love, care, and tenderness they deserve.


Identify an admirable quality in another human being, and compliment that person for it. 

An attitude of gratitude helps us recognize grace in people, places, and things. It helps us open our hearts to the moment, improve our health and relationships, and sleep better at night. For more ideas about joyful living read Budget friendly activities to inspire joy.

Gratitude Brings Joy

Reach out via phone, email, text, or in person to express caring for a loved one. Write a snail mail thank you note and spell out what specific thing or things that person exemplifies and why it is appreciated.

Take steps to use color energy to draw more gratitude into life. 

Gratitude Tips and Ideas

Give a small gift, send a card or flowers, or do something kind for someone you are thankful for. These are healthy ways to express gratitude. 

Whenever we give freely without expecting reciprocation, it brings freedom and abundance to all.

Life offers many moments to give and receive gratitude. When a kind word or praise comes our way, it's life-affirming to take it in and give thanks. 

Whenever we reach out to others to say we're grateful for the help they provide or recognize a job well done, we expand our circle of gratitude. 💖

Next time you hold back from openly expressing  your gratitude or hesitate before accepting positive feedback from others, recite a gratitude affirmation.

Choose to receive the blessings of gratitude and spread the love. 

What are some of your favorite ways to inspire and show gratitude? 

What are some of your favorite ways to be thanked? 

Share questions, ideas, and comments in the section below. 

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Which gratitude affirmations above do you relate to and why do you think that is so?

Thanks for the visit. If you like what you see, please share on social media, and remember I am grateful to you!

Cilors 4 Health Motto

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