November is an ideal time to demonstrate
ways colors can enhance gratitude, especially since we in the U.S. celebrate Thanksgiving this month.
Updated 10/10/2021
What is GRATITUDE? The definition I like best is that it’s a human quality of being thankful, including readiness to show appreciation and gentleness with ourselves and others.
Several studies indicate that gratitude is a mighty
key that unlocks the gates of health, happiness, and leads to increased satisfaction
in personal relationships.
Results of “Counting Blessings Versus Burdens: An Experimental
Investigation of Gratitude and Subjective Well-Being in Daily Life,” that appeared in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (Feb. 2003) suggests that conscious
recognition of ones blessings has emotional and interpersonal benefits.
study conducted by Adam Grant, et al., "A Little Thanks Goes a Long Way:
Explaining Why Gratitude Expressions Motivate Prosocial Behavior," Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (June 2010) indicates when one feels or thinks their efforts to help other people is
valued by the receiver, it creates a sense of well-being in the doer.
In other
words, small
expressions of gratitude can motivate prosocial behaviors by leading helpers to
feel socially valued.
As I count my blessings, I recall many ways colors
have helped me experience greater joy, laughter, peace, ease, health,
and love, not only at Thanksgiving, but each day of the
Family, Friends,
Community, and Nature are Things I'm Thankful For
The color strategies I share below are simple to
implement, and effective when used consistently. Please give yourself a few weeks' time to experience the change. Discover how easy it is to let colors help you more fully tap into the goodness in your life.
Choose to include those colors that
resonate with you, and select them for your wardrobe, home décor, and work
environment. Learn How Wearing Your Colors Can Help You Feel Great About Yourself.
Exercise in colorful red warm up gear to get your
heart pumping and metabolism jumping. This color helps you connect to the
excitement of knowing that you’re fortunate to be able to move.
Stretch and think of the color green. It encourages
optimism and encourages you to inhale fresh oxygen and ideas.
Green energy helps you view situations with a
new perspective. Green is the color of regeneration and growth. Be happy and feel
grateful that your cells are continually rebirthing themselves.
Yellow is a happy, mood lifting hue. It’s the color
of a joyful spirit. It's naturally associated with the sun, and its life
giving, sustaining energies.
Display yellow flowers in your home or wear a yellow cap or scarf; these are easy ways to incorporate more yellow into your life. Yellow energy may help you feel greater appreciation and enthusiasm for the
present moment.
Consider visualizing my blue family favorites, Aqua and Aquamarine. These green-blue colors promote a
smooth flow of communication. Let them create a sense of expansiveness and
tranquility in you.
Envision aqua and aquamarine, when you’re seated around the
Thanksgiving table. These colors encourage serenity and calm. If you need additional color tips read Relax with Aquamarine and Aqua.
Research from the Psychology Department at UC Davis
Emmons Lab suggests that gratitude heals, energizes, and transforms lives. That's why it's important to schedule
time weekly or daily to write in a gratitude journal.
To amp up journal
writings’ health promoting benefits, use colored pens and markers to record your
feelings and thoughts about the gifts in your daily life. If you’re not willing
to commit to writing a colorful gratitude list, at least devote time, night
or day, to do a mental gratitude inventory.
For example, certain colors warm and open my heart.
I frequently write with Pink, Coral, Blue, Green, and Purple to help me envision
gratitude for the gifts of sight, hearing, taste, touch, spirituality, and my love
of nature and people in my life.
When I journal with colors, it helps slow my racing
mind, as I transfer jumbled thoughts onto paper. Journal writing is a safe
place to examine and rid myself of dark thoughts and cherish moments of joy. Journal writing increases self-awareness and brings insights about my thoughts and actions.
“How often do you reserve time to engage in a creative endeavor like a crafts project or journal writing? I attest that each time I cook, write, draw, study
something new, or do things in a creative way, my gratitude multiplies
and my optimism soars.” Nancy Andres
Play, daydream, and let your imagination transport you to a calm place, where you can imagine walking in a green field, or listening to a babbling brook. Better yet, get outdoors to be in nature and feel refreshed and energized.
Notice how fast your feelings
of gratitude expand. Then, get in touch with your state of mind as you visualize
your favorite color, appreciate the wonder of watching the sunrise or sunset,
laugh with friends and family, relish reading a good book, jump in a stack of
leaves, or have a ball as you wade through a puddle of water.
I'm Grateful for the Public Library, One of My Favorite Places to Visit |
Give yourself permission to be more
childlike and beat a drum, dance, or sing. Take a moment to breathe deeply and feel
the love and gratitude all around and in you.
attitude of gratitude is fundamental to wellness. Let colors smooth the way for
you to improve your health, relationships, and sense of well-being. What color
or colors are gratitude colors for you?
My personal experience
and research conducted since 1997, when I became a Health and Lifestyle Writer, shows color vibrations bypass human reasoning and work at the cellular
Colors have a subtle way of attracting gratitude into our body, mind, and spirit.
When you put together a list of what
you’re grateful for, it swings your vibrational frequency into a higher state.
Whenever your focus on gratitude, you identify what is already abundant
in your life and you become even more thankful.
“I have made an effort to incorporate more colors into my gratitude practice. This simple action heightens my sense of thankfulness and delight.” Nancy Andres
On a personal note, someone I lost contact with
several years ago, came back into my life. I’m kicking up my heels and filled with joy. I envision the color pink, soft coral, and green, as I reflect about this gift, and I’m excited to be discovering this person anew.
I'm grateful for the People in My Life! |
I've also learned to appreciate people who challenge my patience, or stir up my peace of mind. I grow wiser as I figure out how to be more direct and kind as I own my power, respect people and their right to be
themselves, and detach with love.
What are things or people you’re
grateful for?
Do you journal? If you do, which colors enrich the process of naming and/or writing about what you’re grateful for? Please let me know.
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