Selecting a word of the year can help us consciously and subconsciously set the tone to create more of what we want and less of what we don’t want in our daily lives.
I notice when I take time to reflect about the progress I've made in the previous year, what is currently working well, and things I want to explore in the New Year, inner guidance helps me identify aspects of my being that need attention.
Then I ask myself these questions:
What word resonates with me? What word makes me feel excited, supported, and motivated to update or change something about me that no longer serve me well?
I say each word I come up with aloud, and try it on without over-analyzing it.
Then I ask myself... Are you just interested in considering this word to be your mantra or committed to doing whatever it takes to draw more of it into your life?
I put those words I feel passionate about on a short list.
Then I trust my gut/intuition to pick one or sometimes two words to help me prosper in the coming months.
If you don’t have your word of the year yet, try to think of a word that most closely symbolizes what you absolutely yearn to increase or dismiss this year.
Ta-da. Now on to my word for the Year and the ways I want to use it!
CON-NECT (verb): to bring together or into contact so that a real link is established.
I intend to use "connect" as my theme for this year, as I follow my heart and focus on the people, places, and things that are important to me. I'll intone this word as I do.
Connect to the present moment
Connect to the Source
Connect to mind, body, and spirit to improve well-being
Connect to reducing carbon footprint
Connect to friends and family
Connect to those I have yet to meet
Connect to possibilities
Connect to new interests
Connect to new insights
Connect to lovingkindness
Connect to gratitude
Connect to a flexible mindset
Connect to and work for world sustainability
Connect to giving back
Connect to patience and love
Connect to peace and serenity
Connect to stillness
Connect to colors 💜💗💟
No matter what word you pick now, if it's not useful to you down the line, you're free to choose another.
Have you chosen a word for the year and what is it? Please share in the comments section below.
How is your word working for you so far this year or why did you pick it?
Did this post help you decide on a word for the year? Please explain in the comments section below.
Have you chosen a word for the year in the past? Please share about that as well.
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