
Friday, May 15, 2020

Ikebana Flowers at Yume Japanese Gardens

Ikebana, which translates to “making flowers alive,” is a Japanese art form. Fresh flowers and natural elements including twigs, sticks, and foliage are arranged in specific designs to create beauty, harmony, and sensory pleasure. 

Post updated 2/17/2024

Although the Spring Ikebana Festival was held in February 2020 at the Yume Japanese Gardens in central Tucson, I present my post today.

I've learned through research and life experience that seeing flowers in natural surroundings provides grounding energy and a connection to Mother Earth.

Flowers have a way of brightening the day, reducing stress, and are a boon to health. Read about additional ways flowers boost well-being here.

The Ikebana tradition dates back to the 7th century, yet its minimalist aesthetic fits easily into modern life. 

 I invite you to come along with me as we walk around the Yume gardens, and view the color-rich Ikebana floral designs.

Ikebana Flowers at Yume Japanese Gardens

The Yume Japanese Gardens, located at 2130 N. Alvernon Way in central Tucson, AZ, is closed temporarily. Check back for hours, days of operation, and admission fees at 520-303-3945. 

Patricia Deridder, Founder and Executive Director advises: the garden is closed to the public in May, yet a community project has been launched to provide hope and healing to hearts frayed by the coronavirus. 

It’s called 1,000 Cranes, 1,000 Dreams. For information about this creative origami project, look for details on the gardens' website.

Have you ever seen an Ikebana exhibit and where?

This garden has many Ikebana shows and here's a link to Stunning Flower Design at Yume Japanese Gardens 

Would you like to know how to create an Ikebana Flower Arrangement? There are several online courses you might like to investigate and many books written about this art form.

Please comment in the section below.

Which floral display is your favorite and why?

What additional life affirming ways do you use to reduce stress and which self-care methods help you relax during the day? 

If you'd be so kind, please offer ideas up to my readers in the comments section below.

I read every comment and appreciate social shares with a link back to this post.

Before I sign off, I'm delighted to share a link to an article I wrote that has been published in the May 2020 Issue of Natural Awakenings Magazine. 

It reveals one of my favorite self-care tips to reduce stress. Enjoy!

Using Journal Writing to Reduce Stress.

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Friday, May 1, 2020

How to Use Chakra Colors to Renew Energy and Create Wellness

Chakra Colors for Energy and Health

There are seven major energy wheels or chakras in our bodies, and each is associated with a different color. Colors work at the cellular level and bypass thinking. Therefore relax, kick-back and learn how chakra colors can best serve you.

Post updated 2/15/2022

 Chakra means "wheel" in Sanskrit, and ancient Hindus/yogis described them as our personal energy field, or points of physical or spiritual energy in the human body.

The picture above is a one dimensional representation, but it indicates the general area of the main chakras in the physical body from root chakra at the bottom or base to the crown chakra at the top. 

These centers represent etheric energy, chi, life force, prana/breath, and terms used since the beginning of time to show the balance between mind, body, and spirit.

Etheric energy is around us and in us. It enlivens and nourishes physical matter and is in all space in the universe. It lifts our spirit and makes us to feel vitally alive.

Continue reading and discover

How to Use Chakra Colors to Renew Energy and Create Wellness 

Chakra Colors for Energy and Health
ROOT CHAKRA: Symbolized by the color red, the root chakra grounds us with a sturdy foundation for work and play. It's located at the base of our spines. The root chakra is the first of the seven primary chakras in our subtle body energy field. 

If we feel exhausted, lethargic, and chilled, activities including meditation, affirmation recitation, mantra chanting, yoga poses including the mountain and forward bend, and visualizations can stabilize this chakra. 

Red foods such as tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries and beets help adjust body temperature as well as nourish the first chakra. 

SACRAL CHAKRA: The colors for the 2nd chakra are orange, blue, and white. Balance it by wearing clothing in these hues, and placing accent pieces of orange, blue, and white in home or office. 

The sacral chakra's natural element is water. Hydrate with plenty of water, and enliven and strengthen intimate relationships by drinking sacral chakra sensual liquids like mango juice, orange juice, and carrot juice. 

Tune up this chakra to heal and go with the flow, instead of holding on. Use sacral chakra energy to be more productive, creative, and focused.

SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA: The color for the solar plexus chakra, the 3rd chakra, is golden yellow and its natural element is fire. When we display decorative items in golden yellow in our living space, it cheers us and expands thinking. 

We can sense this area is aligned, when we feel self-confident, goal oriented, or are able to risk trying something new. The vibrational frequency of golden yellow brings energy to the spleen, liver, pancreas, and stomach and draws healing to these organs. When we regain balance in this chakra, its golden yellow power enhances our mood as well. 

Good foods for this chakra are spicy ones, especially ginger and curry. The solar plexus is nourished by whole grains, and organic corn is a sure-fire bet.

HEART CHAKRA: Green is the color of the 4th of the seven chakras, the heart chakra. Color energy can bypass thinking and works at the cellular level. Gazing at the color green or imaging it can create balance, harmony, self-compassion, and rejuvenation.

When aligned, the heart chakra is an impressive resource for lovingkindness. The heart chakra is an energy center that blends the physical and spiritual body. It influences the cardiovascular system, and lungs. 

The heart chakra's natural element is air. Activities including gardening, walking in nature, and decorating with living green plants, adds fluidity to relationships, lifestyle choices, and helps us open our hearts to our mission or calling. Foods that empower the heart chakra include leafy greens, parsley, broccoli, peas, zucchini, and avocados. For more see What Everyone Needs to Know About the Heart Chakra.

THROAT CHAKRA: The colors that correspond to the 5th chakra are sea blue and turquoise. Two throat chakra gems that are useful in helping to clear the throat and neck area are aquamarine and turquoise. 

When the throat chakra is open, we speak our truth and are authentic. This action releases pressure that may affect the heart chakra below. The plow and the fish are yoga poses that work well to keep this chakra in top form.

To nurture the throat chakra eat blueberries, blackberries, and elderberries. Since the throat chakra's natural element is sound, chanting, affirmation recitation, and singing bring renewed energy to the throat chakra.

THIRD EYE CHAKRA: The mysterious blue color of the nighttime sky is indigo, and it’s associated with the 6th chakra. This energy center stimulates clear thinking, insights, wisdom, and spiritual awareness. 

An excellent color activity for the third eye chakra is to make an inspiring vision board. Attach drawings, paintings, photos, words, and magazine clippings of those things we want to attract into our lives onto a large sheet of paper or cardboard. 

After we finish making our vision board, it's key to hang it in a spot where we'll see it every day. This is a fun way to harness the power in our minds, this chakra, and the law of attraction to open to abundance.

CROWN CHAKRA: The colors associated with the 7th chakra are dark purple, violet, and white. Purple is the color of transformation, intuition, and mind/body/spirit integration. Violet hues increase self-knowledge and divine awareness. White is a soulful color. It’s formed when the various wavelengths of colors in the rainbow combine. 

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head or slightly above it. If this center is open , it helps us connect with our higher wisdom and works for our greatest good. Visualize one or more of the crown chakra colors enveloping a person, place, or thing that we want to understand, protect, or comfort. 

Let colors of the crown chakra lead to insights. It shines its light onto the big picture and brings serenity and peace to all who get still enough to experience it. For more about the crown chakra read Use Crown Chakra Energy to Integrate Mind Body Spirit.


Before you go, please take a moment to comment below. 

In what ways are you willing to experiment with chakra colors?

For example, you may like to...

Wear chakra colors, eat foods that are chakra colors, and decorate with them. 

If you'd be so kind, please share this post on social media and provide a link back to it so others might benefit.

I read and appreciate every comment, but won't publish those with links in them. Thanks for understanding.

Wishing you many moments when you envision chakra colors, absorb their energy, and lead a more colorful life!

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