The color car you drive affects
your thinking, feelings, and even behavior. It also conveys a sensory message
to others about your personality and preferences.
Much like the color clothes you like to wear or the color of the furnishings in your
home, your vehicle’s hue says a lot about you.
Thinking about purchasing a new car? Do you want or need to keep costs down, and are in the market for
a pre-owned model? Maybe you’re in a third category. Nearly 70% of the US
population keeps repairing their cars and trucks, until they totally
give out and need to be replaced.
According to a report from
IHS Automotive, cars are getting more
reliable, and Americans are holding onto their vehicles for longer than ever
before. The average ownership time for cars and light trucks is approximately 11.5 years. That’s an important reason to devote time to finding a car color
that agrees with you. After all, you may be riding around in it for a very long
time. If your car’s exterior has gotten rusty or the color has faded, maybe it's time to consider painting
it to freshen it up.
Colors transmit energy and influence
your car riding experience. If you car’s color resonates with you, seeing it and
being enveloped in it can help calm and relax you. Other colors can inspire or invigorate you. That’s why you need to think twice, before
selecting a car color. You don't want to jangle your nerves with a color that's too stimulating or easily tire of one that's just ho-hum.
Determine whether replacing
your car makes good economic sense and will improve your lifestyle in the long
run. Only then, think about whether a different vehicle will mean
you’re riding around in a car whose color makes you smile or is way off base.
Simply check out the details
below, before you head to the auto showroom or used car lot. If your current auto is a keeper, the list below is a good source of ideas. When your car needs repainting or you're in
the market for wheels, use it. Why not pin it for future reference?
Car Color Meanings
Black- a power color, classic,
sophisticated, and empowering
Navy or Royal Blue- exudes
confidence, credibility, and reassurance
Light Blue-calm,
serene, quiet
Gray or Silver- practical,
elegant, and futuristic
White- fresh, pure,
Red- sensual,
excitement, speedy
Yellow-sunny, lively,
and young at heart
Tan, Taupe, Brown-timeless,
natural, down to earth
talkative, friendly
Light green/light
teal-expansiveness, safety, soothing
I urge
you to do your part to conserve precious natural resources, as well as save
bucks in fuel costs. Do your share to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the environment by aiming to purchase a hybrid or plug-in model. At the very
least, buy one that gets good gas mileage.
Reflect about the car color that attracts you. Does it help you satisfy a need for something you’re trying to expand on? Keep in mind that the color car you drive is a sensory way for you to express your physical,
mental, and emotional state. Colors can accentuate your personality. Are you an introvert or extrovert? Think about whether you like to blend in or want to be noticed. Each color has a vibrational frequency all its own. Colors give your body sensory messages that can perk you up or soothe you. Think carefully about what works best for you, and pick a vehicle car color you enjoy.
If I were considering purchasing a car, I'd envision a color that makes me feel happy. At other times, I think I need one that helps me relax or stay attentive. On another day, I imagine a color car that helps me feel grounded. What about you?
Please let me know what car colors appeal to you. What new things did you learn about yourself from my blog post? Please share comments in the space provided below. Whatever color vehicle you drive, remember to follow traffic laws and
drive safely. I care about you.