
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tucson Fun-Street Art for Wordless Wednesday

Feast your eyes on Tucson Street Art for Wordless Wednesday!

Tucson Street Art

Metal Sculpture Along the Rillito River Park Trail

After months of lock down, it's refreshing to recall the fun I had as I saw these sights.

Cute display in a front garden.

Gate at the Tucson Botanical Garden

Kindness Tree on side of a building

The next three photo were taken this month as I walked in my neighborhood. I'm grateful to the artists and the City of Tucson for improving the character of the street with colorful sculptures.

Have you been outdoors exercising or strolling since the pandemic began?

Which outdoor art installations do you like and why?

Are there any sculptures (see below), mosaics, or murals you enjoy seeing near where you live?

Sculpture Marroney Theatre UA Campus

I believe street art is a colorful life enhancement project for any neighborhood to embark on. Do you agree? 

Please comment below and share on social media (with link back to this post).

I read every comment, and appreciate you taking a moment to reply.

This post has been shared at midlife-share-the-love-party-127

This post has been shared at A Themed Linkup 21 for Photos and Videos- JULY 15 TO 19

Excited and delighted! This post that appeared at the link party above is featured at a new linkup party called A Themed Linkup 22 for Crafts and DIY.

See the #featured #bloggers at #AThemedLinkup 22 for #Crafts and #DIY from my previous #linkup for Photos and Videos, open until July 27.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Amazing Affirmations and Tips for Self-validation

Amazing Affirmations and Tips for Self-care

Research reported in Clinical Psychological Science indicates that taking time to think kind thoughts about ourselves has psychological and physical benefits.

Post updated 4/6/22

Being loving and gentle with ourselves helps us see ourselves more honestly, and admit our shortcomings and assets. 

Self-love encourages us to be flexible, and gives us confidence and freedom to change aspects of our makeup that no longer serve us well. 

Are you considerate, tender, and supportive  of yourself all the time?

At various moments during the last couple of weeks, I have gotten in my own way. I felt emotionally drained and unhappy. 

I know I'm not alone in feeling off-kilter. It appears that most of my friends, family, business contacts, and acquaintances are finding it hard to find peace and feel centered in the midst of the world situation. There is so much uncertainty. 

Yet, I haven't felt stuck in despair.

One of the most amazing methods I continue to use to  center myself is to recite and repeat affirmations aloud daily. I write out new ones or use ones that are tried and true. 

I've discovered from personal experience and research, conducted as a health and lifestyle writer, that affirmations have healing power, and research backs this up

When we express these positive statements aloud each day, it puts a positive spin on things, elevates  mood, and comforts us. 

This post presents 

Amazing Affirmations and Tips for Self-validation 

Why is that important?

Self-validation means to accept our internal experience as it is, and acknowledge we have a right to think and feel as we do in each moment. 

When we honor and cherish ourselves, even the fear of identifying and owning difficult emotions and working through them, can be overcome. 

We also need to get in touch with how often and to whom we go to for validation. This knowledge helps us understand our motives better. 

Do we rely on others more than we count on ourselves for approval and to make us feel worthy?

This post shows us ways to surrender thoughts, ideas, and expectations that other people, places, and institutions can see and acknowledge our true value. 

Additional ideas will show us ways to accept full responsibility for validating ourselves.

Let's devote attention and look inward to identify and feel anger, sadness, grief, anxiety, self-consciousness and doubt. Let's be more authentic, and admit we're having a difficult time. 

When we don't stuff, minimize, or label our feeling as bad, eventually they pass. That clear space we've created helps us get along better with ourselves and others. 

Another technique that helps center us, is to take steps to improve the quality of our self-talk. 

The words we use when we refer to our thoughts, feelings, and actions or inaction, helps us notice a lack of motivation, depression, boredom, progress, strengths, self-judgment, and successes. 

We humans are social animals, and a basic need is to seek and want companionship from others. 

However, when we buy into negative chatter either from ourselves or others, we do ourselves a disservice. Read more at 5 Things to Do to Change Negative Self-chatter.

Treating ourselves with self-compassion is an especially helpful self-care practice, especially when we can't seem to complete projects, make mistakes, feel vulnerable, or less than. See 9 Practices to Help You See You are Enough for additional ways to take better care of ourselves.

I believe treating ourselves with self-compassion and high regard is the most powerful self-care policy we can ever adopt.

Self-compassion, Affirm Goodness

Tip: Write a love letter to yourself. Why not include pictures of you and the things you love to do? Record many reasons why you are so in love with you.

10 Amazing Affirmations and Tips 
for Self-Validation

1. My breath is my superpower, and I breathe-in self-love and release all traces of self- doubt and disapproval.

2. I look inward for my sense of self-worth, joy, and approval

3. I treat myself with self-compassion and high regard, because I know it's the most powerful self-care practice I can ever adopt.

4. Any path I choose is an adventure and an opportunity for personal growth.

5. I acknowledge and accept painful and joyous feelings and know my emotions indicate I am a passionate person.

6. I'm mindful of my thoughts, feelings, and actions, and experience them with a nonjudgmental attitude.

7. I am worthy of self-care and set aside time each day to have fun, relax, and nurture mind, body, and spirit.

8. I look in the mirror and see someone who is authentic, courageous, and willing to do what it takes to grow and prosper each day.

9. My thoughts influence how happy I feel and I choose to feel joy right now!

10. I radiate health, happiness, harmony, and thrive. 

Click on the following link to see additional affirmations I wrote. They highlight things to say to  Create Positive Energy and Health with Affirmations.

Include self-care practices such as prayer, meditation, exercise, and journal writing to daily or weekly routines. When we use any, it helps reduce stress, and renews joy in daily living. 

Do as many or as few as you like. Each one helps us feel more grounded and present in today.

A big advantage of slowing down to look inward, is it helps us connect to our personal vision and principles. 

Taking time to tap into our higher wisdom, shifts our focus from dependency on others to increased self-sufficiency.

Another important key to self-validation is to find a calling/purpose and go after it. 

Some great ways to start on that are to investigate fields of study, take courses, get a degree, and/or work or volunteer in an area that intrigues us. 

We feel greater life satisfaction when we pursue our own dreams, sense the value in what we do, and shine our light freely. Let's sparkle so the unique beauty that is inside can be seen, especially by us.

Knowing and aligning with our life purpose allows us to focus on what is truly important to us, rather than seek approval or direction from others.

We can make the decision, fresh each day, to use affirmations and healthy lifestyle tips to enhance our sense of well-being, self-sufficiency, and self-compassion to enrich our lives.

Do you say affirmations for self-validation? Is it a regular practice? Please comment in the space provided below.

Which self-care tips resonate with you? Please share your ideas about that in the comments section below.

I value my blog writing and your feedback. I read every comment, and appreciate your visit. Please put no links in your comments, as they won't be published that way.

If you like what you see, please share on social media with a link back to this post. 

Wishing you a happy day and many chances to affirm your goodness. 

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This post has been shared at Making Memories at the Hearth and Soul Link Party

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