
Sunday, December 15, 2019

Happy Holidays Dear Colors 4 Health Blog Readers

I wish you love, health, abundance, and serenity in the New Year.

Be well and live mindfully.

One way to be more mindful is to Start with Mindful Eating.

Next, use ideas in this post to recognize you are enough and it's wise and healthy to be your own best friend. 

Warm Wishes for the Best Year EVER.

Please comment below and reshare on social media. I appreciate the visit, and hope you'll come back soon. 

Visit Colors 4 Health in the New Year. My blog will offer epic lifestyle tips and  show you awesome ways to  use colors to your advantage in 2020. 

Here's one example from a blog post about rainbow colors now.

Here's my parting gift... a link to a youtube video recording of Celine Dion & Josh Groban Singing "The Prayer."

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Sunday, December 1, 2019

5 Tips to Recharge on Your Lunch Break

Journal to recharge on lunch break

Want lifestyle tips to help you use your lunch break to relieve stress, create peace of mind, and renew enthusiasm? Good news. Each activity suggested can be completed in a half hour or less.

Even though you may have had a hectic morning, these self-care tips can help recharge your batteries and promote a greater sense of well-being.

Updated 6/21/2023

   Recharge on Your Lunch Break

1. Journal for Clarity

Stay on course with daily or weekly personal or career goals, by taking a few moments, early in the day, to jot down ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

Journal writing helps you note where you're at, see progress, and point to areas where you still need work.

Journal writing is a spiritual practice as well. It can help you tap into self-compassion and find gratitude for blessings in your life. 

2. Detach from Electronic Devices.

You may be one of the millions of people who suffer from "text neck." See ideas to help lessen aches caused by electronic devices. 

A simple thing to do for a stiff neck is to get on your yoga mat. Then, do yoga poses including the child's pose

A study from the American Psychological Association shows people who are constant checkers of cell phones, email, and social media have considerably higher stress levels than those who take breaks to unplug. Be good to yourself and just do it.

3. Move Outdoors and Glory in Nature.

Give yourself permission to put your career or personal cares and concerns on the shelf for a few minutes. Get outdoors to absorb the feel good vibes of a natural setting and sunlight. 

Many studies indicate being in nature can help reduce the following:  stress, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), inflammation, and improve short term memory

4. Eat Lunch Mindfully.

Recharge on Lunch Break

Practice being fully conscious and present while eating. Mindful eating helps you make better food choices, digest your food fully, and slow down enough to know and enjoy what you're eating.

5. Stand, Stretch, and Move.

Do you sit at a computer or desk for a long stretch of time? It's key to good health to shake out the kinks in mind and body by exercising. A Mayo Clinic post written by Edward R. Laskowski MD describes why The impact of movement — even leisurely movement — can be profound.   

I make it a point to set my watch to ring at 20 minute intervals, while I am working. When the bell rings, I remember it's time to walk around, hydrate, or do a few yoga poses or qigong exercises.

What self-care practices help you reduce stress and which physical or spiritual activities do you include in your busiest day? How have you managed that? Please share. 

What things do you still need to work on to allow yourself time to recharge during your lunch break? 

Please comment below. Please don't put links in comments. as I won't be able to publish it that way.

Like what you see? Please share the love on social media. 

I appreciate your visit and wish you a joyful, productive day! 

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