
Saturday, June 1, 2024

The Best and Easiest Vegan Red-skinned Potato Salad

Red-skinned Potato Salad-Delicious and Easy to Make

The Best and Easiest Vegan Red-skinned Potato Salad has simple instructions, is a snap to assemble, and tastes grand. 

It's a recipe that's easy enough to make for family meals, and festive and fun to serve at picnics or potlucks. 

It has eye appeal, is packed with fresh flavor, and is sure to satisfy!

6 red skinned organic potatoes 

Boiled and Drained Red-skin Potatoes

1 medium sized farm-fresh zucchini

Farm Fresh Zucchini for Red-skinned Potato Salad

4 or 5 fresh organic scallions cleaned and chopped fine (use both green and white parts)

1 small bunch fresh organic Italian Parsley chopped (use leaves and stems)

Parsley, Scallions, Red-skinned Potato Salad Dressing

Note: This dish is colorful, and it's vegan whole food ingredients including red-skinned potatoes, make it healthier than mayonnaise type recipes that use yellow or russet potatoes.
Red-skinned potatoes and many whole food plant-based ingredients are good sources of both protein and fiber. They contain many antioxidants and vitamins that help your body function properly and prevent disease.

Salad Dressing

1 or 2 organic garlic cloves, minced
1⁄4 cup organic extra virgin olive oil
2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice
2 teaspoons organic apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon maple syrup or 2 teaspoons stevia (or use fruit juice instead)
1 teaspoon organic Dijon mustard
1⁄2 teaspoon salt, and pepper and mixed Italian seasoning to taste 
What to do:
1.      Most of the nutrients in potatoes are close to the skin. I suggest you scrub potatoes well, and leave skins on. Put cleaned whole potatoes in a saucepan and add just enough water to cover all. Cover with a saucepan lid, leaving a few inches of the top exposed. Bring water to a boil and cook potatoes on medium for at least 15-20 minutes or until potatoes are still firm, but a fork can pierce them easily. Then drain.

2.    While potatoes are cooking, clean and chop one medium zucchini into bite-sized pieces. Clean and chop a small head of fresh parsley. Clean and chop fresh scallions (use yellow onion as substitute if necessary). You may chop veggies by hand or in a food processor. 

3.     In a large airtight container assemble the salad dressing ingredients which are minced garlic, olive oil, apple cider vinegar, lemon juice, maple syrup or stevia, Dijon mustard, salt, pepper, and mixed Italian seasonings. Combine with a whisk or use the side of a fork to blend.

4.    Blend potatoes, zucchini, scallions, and parsley into the salad dressing. Mix and cover. Put container in refrigerator, and let marinate for up to a day. 

If you want to include additional veggies, select colorful ones like carrots, cucumbers, radishes, red pepper, and broccoli. Just increase the amount of salad dressing you use to accommodate extra veggies. 

For informal gatherings, serve this dish in the container. If you prefer, use a serving bowl or platter. 

Vegan red-skinned potato salad tastes great with veggie burgers, or any type of sandwich lunch.

Black Bean Burger on a Whole Grain Bun with Fresh Red-skinned Potato Salad

For a high protein meal, eat potato salad at room temperature with tofu, tempeh, or chickpea salads or salad wraps.

Make-ahead meals are excellent choices for summer, especially during those times when temperatures soar, and it's too hot to cook.

Recipe for Easy and Best Red-skinned Potato Salad

Before you go, please leave a comment below.

Do you like to serve potato salad often? When you make it, what ingredients do you include? Please share your ideas below.

I appreciate each comment, but will not publish those with links. Thanks for understanding.

I'm happy to have had time off from blogging, and grateful to come back refreshed and renewed.

Wishing you a wonderful June and ...

This post has been shared at What’s for Dinner – Sunday Link up #478

This post has been shared at SENIOR SALON PIT STOP #317!

This post has been shared at Senior Salon Pit Stop 316

This post has been shared at Weekend Traffic Jam Reboot! – June 20

This post has been shared at Wonderful Wednesday Blog Hop - June 19, 2024

This post has been shared at #315-senior-salon-pit-stop

This post has been shared at Weekend-traffic-jam-reboot

This post has been shared at Salad and the TFT Blog Hop

This post has been shared at Creative Muster Link-Up Party 592

This post has been shared at What’s for Dinner? Sunday Link-up #474

This post has been shared at Senior Salon Pit Stop #313



  1. I really like potato salad. This sounds like a delicious recipe. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Happy to share my favorite potato salad recipe with you. If you make it, please let me know how it came out. Happy Sunday Beth.

  2. Potato salad is always one of my favorites Nancy. I love the idea of putting Dijon mustard in the dressing.

    1. Thanks Judee. Glad you had a chance to see my recipe, and if you try it, please let me know how you like it. Happy Wednesday and be well.

  3. Red-skinned potato is so good in potato salad. This recipe looks delicious!

    1. Thanks Sally. If you make the recipe please let me know how it turned out. Wishing you a happy weekend and be well.

  4. This sounds delicious! And, I love red skinned potatoes! Thanks for linking up with us!

    1. Happy the recipe sounds delicious to you and hope you'll try it. Wishing you a beautiful day Marsha and be well.

  5. I always appreciate vegan recipes. Thank you!

    1. Thnks so much. Glad to help you with avegan recipe. Wishing you a beautiful day.

  6. Thank you for all the lovely and interesting vegan dishes.
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 315. See you again next week at

    1. Thanks Esme. My pleasure. Just love SSPS blog party and thanks again for hosting.

  7. This sounds awesome! I love red potatoes. Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party. Hope to see you again at tomorrow's party!

    1. Thanks for hosting What's for Dinner-Sunday Link up. Love to show you and your readers what I've been serving at my house. Wishing you a beautiful Sunday and a fun week!
