
Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Make the Best Tomato Gazpacho Soup


Best Tomato Gazpacho Soup
best tomato gazpacho soup with basil garnish

Tomato gazpacho is a Spanish style soup, preferably made from juicy in-season tomatoes, cucumbers, garlic and red onion, red bell peppers, and tasty condiments, herbs, and spices. 

Discover how easy, colorful, delicious, and healthy it is to put together this raw vegan soup. It works wonders to cool you down on a hot summer day. 

Gazpacho's main ingredients (tomatoes, red bell peppers, and cucumbers) are packed with fiber and water, and are high in nutrients including Vitamin A, C, and E.

Tomatoes and red peppers are colorful and contain lycopene and beta-carotene, powerful antioxidants that are found in brightly colored fruits and vegetables. 

These antioxidants play a vital role in detoxifying and removing free radicals from the blood system and body tissue.

The color red stimulates energy and helps you feel excitement, passion, courage, and love. Tomato gazpacho is a red-hued soup that's good to eat, when you feel stuck in a rut, lack enthusiasm, and want motivation to act.

Gazpacho recipes traditionally include olive oil. If you don’t add oil or extra salt to my recipe, it still tastes yummy.

Leaving these ingredients out will help you combat water retention, hydrate skin, and make you feel full and not bloated. An added bonus is tomato gazpacho is low in calories.

How to Make the Best Tomato Gazpacho Soup


4 large organic ripe plum, beefsteak, or heirloom tomatoes (about 2 pounds) unpeeled, and chunked

2 cups low sodium tomato or tomato veggie juice (I like the organic kind that's sold in glass jars) 

1 English cucumber or 2 or 3 Kirby cucumbers scrubbed but unpeeled, and chunked

1 large or 2 small organic red peppers washed and prepped (seeds and core removed) and red pepper cut in chunks

1 organic red onion peeled and cut in quarters

3 cloves peeled garlic

1/2 cup fresh basil, 1/4 cup fresh parsley

1/4 cup lemon juice or red wine vinegar or apple cider vinegar  or combo of vinegar and lemon juice 

fresh ground black pepper to taste

Optional ingredients (to taste): Sriracha or Tabasco sauce, chopped jalapeno pepper (seeds removed), or red pepper flakes. 


1. Cut vegetables into chunks and put them and other ingredients into a food processor fitted with a steel blade. Pulse until soup ingredients are coarsely chopped. Do not over-process. If the bowl of your food processor is small, chop ingredients in batches.

2. Pour soup into a large glass bowl, cover, and refrigerate until ready to serve or for at least four hours. 

3. Ladle the soup into bowls or highball glasses.  

4. Garnish with beansavocado slices, jicama slices, parsley or basil, pine nuts, or croutons made from chunks of toasted day old bread. 

tomato gazpacho with jicama and red onion garnish
tomato gazpacho with jicama and red onion garnish

This recipe serves four. It is a light, refreshing soup, but becomes more filling, when served with a hummus or tempeh salad sandwich, or cornbread, or olive bruschetta for dipping and slurping.

Gazpacho’s flavorful ingredients meld, when chilled before serving. Gazpacho can also be served warm, but can be an especially lively pick-me-up when served chilled on a sweltering day. 

The veggies in this soup tend to get soggy after a few days. If this happens, blend soup again until it is a liquid and drink it that way. 

Have you made tomato gazpacho in the past and how did it come out? If you've never made it, does this simple to make recipe inspire you?

I'm delighted I had the opportunity to share my non-fat rendition of Tomato Gazpacho Soup to show you how easy and slimming it is to cut out the oil without sacrificing the flavor.

Please leave a comment below with questions, ideas, or your tips about making gazpacho soup. I read and appreciate every one.

Please don't put links in your comment, as I won't be able to publish it that way.

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Content Creator for Freelance Assignments

Thanks so much for the visit and have a colorful day!

Signature line at Colors 4 Health

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  1. It looks filling and delicious, Will have to try.

    1. You are right. Enjoy the recipe and let me know how it goes. Have a beautiful day.

  2. Gazpacho is special and oh so good - your recipe is similar to mine!

  3. Nancy, this recipe is perfect timing for the upcoming summer produce. We do like gazpacho so I'll save the recipe. It looks colorful, healthy, and beautiful.

    1. Thanks Judee. Let me know how it comes out for you and have a great day.

  4. We are featuring your awesome post on Full Plate Thursday 592. Thanks so much for sharing your talent with us and hope you will come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen

    1. Thanks so much Miz Helen. I'm thrilled and honored this post is a feature at Full Plate Thursday 592. Have a beautiful day and thanks again!!!

  5. This is the ideal, light supper for hot summer weather. Pinned! Thank you for participating in Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 23.

    1. Thanks Carol for the visit, comment, and hosting. Have a fabulous week.

  6. I this soup really as healthy and delicious as it looks? I definitely want to try it and see for myself! Thank you for sharing!

  7. Thanks for sharing at the What's for Dinner party - sorry to be stopping by so late. Hope to see you at tomorrow's party too! Enjoy the weekend.

    1. Thanks Helen for hosting What's for Dinner. Comments are good no matter when they come in. Have a beautiful day and know that I am sending healing energy to you.

  8. Nancy, this sounds so tasty. Bookmarking to try later.
    Visiting today from Happiness Is Homemade 486 #19&20.

    1. Thanks Paula for your visit and comment. Please let me know when you make it and visit again. Wishing you a beautiful day.

  9. Thanks so much Bev. I'm thrilled and honored to be a featured post at #TFT. Have a beautiful day and be well.

  10. I love tomato soup. This recipe looks delicious.

    1. Thanks so much Richard. I love tomato soup too. Wishing you a beautiful day.
