
Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Tucson Fun-Street Art for Wordless Wednesday

Feast your eyes on Tucson Street Art for Wordless Wednesday!

Tucson Street Art

Metal Sculpture Along the Rillito River Park Trail

After months of lock down, it's refreshing to recall the fun I had as I saw these sights.

Cute display in a front garden.

Gate at the Tucson Botanical Garden

Kindness Tree on side of a building

The next three photo were taken this month as I walked in my neighborhood. I'm grateful to the artists and the City of Tucson for improving the character of the street with colorful sculptures.

Have you been outdoors exercising or strolling since the pandemic began?

Which outdoor art installations do you like and why?

Are there any sculptures (see below), mosaics, or murals you enjoy seeing near where you live?

Sculpture Marroney Theatre UA Campus

I believe street art is a colorful life enhancement project for any neighborhood to embark on. Do you agree? 

Please comment below and share on social media (with link back to this post).

I read every comment, and appreciate you taking a moment to reply.

This post has been shared at midlife-share-the-love-party-127

This post has been shared at A Themed Linkup 21 for Photos and Videos- JULY 15 TO 19

Excited and delighted! This post that appeared at the link party above is featured at a new linkup party called A Themed Linkup 22 for Crafts and DIY.

See the #featured #bloggers at #AThemedLinkup 22 for #Crafts and #DIY from my previous #linkup for Photos and Videos, open until July 27.


  1. All of the photos are great but my favorite would be the flower pots. That is just adorable. TFS

    1. Thanks Clearissa for the visit and comment. Glad you saw this post and hope you'll stay safe and well.

  2. Thanks so much for linking up with me at #AThemedLinkup 21 for Photos and Videos!

    1. You're welcome and appreciate the opportunity to appear at #A Themed Linkup 21 for Photos and Videos! Have a wonderful day and stay safe and well.

  3. CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at #AThemedLinkup 22 for Crafts and DIY (open until July 27) from my previous linkup for Photos and Videos.

    1. Wow. I'm thrilled my post,Tucson Fun-Street Art for Wordless Wednesday is a feature at #AThemedLinkup 22 for Crafts and DIY (open until July 27). Thanks so much Dee. Appreciate it.

  4. I can only imagine how fun it is to go back and look at your beautiful photos of places you have visited. I know that I enjoyed them! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks Judee for your comment and visit. Hope you are staying safe, well, and happy!

  5. That looks so very cool. Very nice. Thanks for sharing it. #MLSTL

  6. I'm a real sucker for street art - it really brings soul to a city. #MLSTL

    1. I agree. Thanks for the visit and nice being at #MLSTL with you.

  7. Thanks, Nancy, for sharing these artworks. I like the Kindness tree. #MLSTL

    1. Hi Natalie, I think that one is so much fun and love the color. Have a beautiful day and thanks for visiting from #MLSTL.

  8. I love street art Nancy - that last one with all the beautiful watercolour rainbow shades is just beautiful.

    1. Thanks Leanne for your comment. I appreciate the opportunity to share and read such wonderful posts at #MLSTL. Thanks for hosting and have a lovely day.

  9. I always enjoy street art and these are great examples! #mlstl
