
Thursday, June 15, 2017

What Everyone Needs to Know About the Heart Chakra

Green and Heart Chakra Ideas and Tips at Colors 4 Health

Green is the color of the heart chakra and its Sanskrit name is Anahata. Located in the center of the chest, it is a powerful resource for lovingkindness. 
Updated 2/5/2024
The heart chakra is the fourth of the seven basic chakras in the body. This chakra is an integrative energy center that blends the physical and spiritual within the body. 
It influences the cardiovascular system, including the lungs. Equally as important, the heart chakra impacts lifestyle choices, relationships, mission or calling, values, and ethics.
Anahata is associated with the color green, a great source of universal energy, supply, and health. It’s the ray that raises vibrations for abundance and success. 
According to Deepak Chopra, “the heart center represents the unifying energy of love and compassion. The heart chakra is dedicated to overcoming separation and division.  

When the heart center is blocked, there is a sense of alienation from others. When the heart center is open and flowing, you feel connected at a deep level to all beings in your life."

Tips to Open Heart Chakra at Colors 4 Health

Green stones are associated with the heart chakra and Tourmaline, Emerald, Jade, Green Calcite are minerals that support the heart chakra. 

See more about Green Tourmaline Stones and properties here.  

Another helpful way to help open and condition the heart chakra is to place living plants and flowers in your home or office, to purify the air. Want to know which houseplants are easy to maintain, refresh the air, and comfort you?  

Read Ways-Colorful-Flowers-Boost-Our-Happiness for additional tips and ideas about greening our living space.

Chant the sound of the heart chakra and allow sound and green color vibrations to fill you up. 

Be Patient with Unresolved Issues in Heart

When you focus on the unifying energy of the heart chakra you realize all is exactly as it needs to be in your heart, family, community, and world. 

Let the vibrations of green and the heart chakra color your world with love.

Do you use color imagery and visualization, meditation, or prayer to empower yourself? 

What happens when you place your hand in the middle of your chest over your heart and chant YAM? Do you feel the vibrations? 

Try this now
Please hold your hand over your heart as you affirm

"I am a loving person who recognizes and treasures myself and others." 

"I love myself wholeheartedly, and the joy in my being spreads to all that I see or think about today."💖

Please take a moment to comment in the space provided below (don't forget to click publish when you're though commenting). 

Do you sense or think green and the heart chakra can help you in some way? Please explain. 

If the concept of the chakras is new to you, that's exciting. Comment about that too. I welcome questions so feel free to ask them. Please don't put links in comment as it won't be published that way.

Check out related posts too.

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  1. Hi Nancy,
    I didn't realize all that about the color green, but sure is good to know. Plants definitely to make you feel better. I have loads of plants in my house not only for the air purification but just because I love to watch them grow and thrive. I also find it interesting about the green chakras and it is new to me. I will have to try these affirmations our daily. Sharing on Twitter & google.

  2. Thanks Marla for your comment and willingness to share my post on social media. I appreciate your support and encoragement. Yes, green is a powerful color and brings abundance into your life. It sounds like you already have many plants already, so please enjoy those green vibes. Hugs, Nan

  3. I had no idea that green was the color of the heart chakra and the Chant YAM, but thank you so much for all this info and the links to the music, pinning to remember.

    1. Thanks so much Pili for your comment and pin. Wishing you a heart-centered day and happy weekend. How's summer been going for you?

  4. What a wonderful, encouraging post, Nancy! I am fascinated by the chakras and how they affect us, as well as how we can support them, and ourselves. No wonder I love having fresh flowers in my home! Thank you for sharing and for being a part of the Hearth and Soul community. Take care and I hope your week is going well.

    1. Thanks April for the visit and comment. Wishing you a lovely heart-opening day.
