
Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Exciting Desert Spring Flowers for Wordless Wednesday

Cactus in bloom at Colors 4 Health

I'm so excited, because whatever shape, size, color, or variety I see, desert plants near Tucson, AZ come alive with gorgeous blooms in the springtime. 

Many desert plants have thorns or spines to shade them, regulate plant temperature, store water, and protect them from hungry animals. 

See information about plant and animal colors in relation to survival at Unique Ways Colors are Key to Survival.

White and Yellow Flowers on a Saguaro Cactus

Ocotillo with Orange/Red Blooms at Colors 4 Health
Orange Flowers Adorn an Ocotillo in the Sonoran Desert

Gopher Plant at Colors4Health
This Gopher Plant blooms in the spring, with greenish yellow flowers

Exciting Yellow Flowering Bush at Colors4Health
Golden Yellow is a cheery color of Many Desert Spring Flowering Plants

Hope you enjoyed seeing my photo essay. 

Did it pique your interest to learn more about the desert or inspire you to visit my neck of the woods?

Have you visited the U.S. southwest before and are tempted to visit again?

What color flower is your favorite?

Before you go, please comment below.

We welcome questions and feedback so please share with us. 

Put no links in your comments please, as they can't be published that way. Thanks for understanding.

Wishing you a beautiful spring and

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  1. The desert is surprisingly beautiful when it's in bloom.

  2. I never tire looking at nature and these flowers are beautiful. I've never been to the SouthWest!

    1. Thanks so much Judee for your visit and comment. Come on down. I'm sure you'd delight in seeing the wide open spaces, grandeur of the glorious mountains, and flora and fauna that abounds. Just don't come in June, as it's too darn hot.

  3. I have been trying to get more into planting and flowers, this year I plan to research when to plant, what soil is best and so on. Thank you for sharing the beautiful flowers!

    1. All the seed packets I've seen have most of the info you mentioned on the back. Another resource for info is a nursery (if you'd rather grow things from seedlings). Good luck and thanks for the comment.

  4. I’ve never actually seen a cactus like that in real life! Looks pretty cool!

    1. You better believe it. Some cactus plants are totally awesome. Thanks for your comment and have a great day.

  5. These desert flowers are so strikingly pretty when they pop out of plants that appear to be dead and dried up. Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 57.

    1. Thanks so much Carol for the comment. Love your party and thanks again for hosting. Have a great week and Happy Spring.

  6. Such beautiful flowers. Very nice.

    1. Thanks so much for your comment and visit. Have a great day.

  7. Thank you for sharing this post in the Talent-Sharing Tuesdays Link-Up 59.

  8. When we volunteered at Organ Pipe National Monument in Ajo was my first time in a desert, I loved all the flowers and "life" in such a harsh environment. Thank you for sharing with us at SSPS!

    1. Yes, the desert is teaming with life and many beautiful and/or interesting animals, vegetation, birds, and beasts. Happy weekend and be well.

  9. My dad used to have a rockery garden with lots of cacti and awesome desert plants. This reminds me of my late Dad and how I miss him even after 30 years.
    Thanks so much for participating and sharing at SSPS 303. See you again next week! Please do not forget to come and join each W-S at InLinkz #WordlessWednesday (Words are also welcome).

    1. Hear you Esme. Our senses (including vision) can stir memories and glad it was a pleasant one for you. Love SSPS and grateful you and the other co-hosts sponsor it every week. Will check out wordless Wed. Have a fabulous week.
