
Wednesday, September 15, 2021

16 One Minute Health Boosters


Do you want to boost health, but lack motivation? Perhaps you feel off-kilter, and want to regain balance and enthusiasm for daily living. 

Post Updated 2/12/2023

Try out these 16 one minute health boosters to see how little time, money, and effort it takes to enhance self-care, feel happier, and increase your sense of well-being.


1.  Drink a tall one, an 8 oz. glass of water several times during the day. This will keep you hydrated, helps digestion and elimination, and makes you feel dewy fresh.


2.  Eat a half cup of beans several times during the week. Beans are an excellent low cost, fat free source of protein and fiber. Beans including pintos, black beans, kidney beans, and navy beans rev up energy and help maintain regularity.


3.   Set daily goals for exercise. It takes less than a minute to connect with YouTube. Reserve time for a video workout by selecting a yoga, aerobic exercise, or circuit training video. Exercise pays off by reducing stress, helps keep you fit, and elevates mood.


4.  Practice one of these methods that helps you breathe deeply from Web MD. Deep breathing curbs anxiety and tension and sends nourishing oxygen to all parts of your body.


5.    Snack on a serving (1/2 cup) of fresh sweet peas for a healthy treat. This green veggie has more vitamin C than 2 large apples and more protein than a tablespoon of peanut butter.


6.    Splash your face with cool water to revive yourself. Nix drinking an alcoholic beverage to numb pain or as a pick me up.  

7.  Take a 20 second break to disengage from electronic devices and screens by standing up. Move 20 feet away from equipment, desk, or work area. Use another 20 seconds to blink, sigh, or yawn. Down time conserves eyesight and prevents body aches and pain.


8.    Focus on composing and reciting a meaningful affirmation. When you say positive statements aloud it helps shift thinking, creates "feel good vibes," and inspires you to make progress in creating  positive energy and health with affirmations.


9.    Say “no” when you need to. Bowing out of tasks you really don't want or need to do, helps you keep check on your energy and resources. Setting this boundary allows you to meet your own needs first, and use extra time to help those you can. 


10.    Surround yourself with colors you love in home and office, and take in the health boosting effects of color energy. Read Color Ideas to Cultivate Happiness for additional color tips.


11.   Work or play outdoors early in the day to soak up Vitamin D from sunlight. Before you step outside,  apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen, one that contains non-nano zinc-oxide (SPF 30 or above). Prevent sun damage, and reduce chances of getting skin cancer by wearing UV protected sunglasses too. 


12.  Shed shoes at your front door. Then, see how much easier it is to keep floors clean and reduce environmental pollutants you track into your home.

13.  Hug a family member or friend to get those good feelings flowing. Kiss your significant other, and praise your kids to spread the love and encourage each other. 💗

14. Laugh often. Even a broad smile can reduce stress and prevents “dis-ease.” See Budget Friendly Activities to Inspire Joy for additional self-care tips.

15. Stretch by reaching up to the sky, and bend over with soft knees to reach for your toes. Next, stand tall and roll your shoulders back, up, forward, and down. Stretching relieves sore muscles, reduces tension, and relaxes shoulders, neck, and body.


16. Create a mental or written gratitude list. Give thanks for blessings and observe how fast your outlook improves.

Tips to Help You Practice Gratitude

These one minute health boosters have worked really well for me, and can help you.

Have my ideas motivated you to amp up self-care? There’s nothing like the present to start. 

Add a few at a time into your wellness routine. Before you know it, you’ll feel better, look better, and smile a lot more. 

Please share which health boosters you use. Put details in the comments section below. 

Are there other self-care practices that are part of your routine, but not mentioned? Please let me know.

Which health booster are you reluctant to try? Share about that too. 

This post is intended for entertainment and information purposes only. If you seek medical advice, consult with your health care provider.

Please don't put links in your comments, as I cannot publish them that way. Thanks for understanding.

Wishing you good luck as you proceed and sending positive energy to...

Please share the love on social media with a link back to this post. 

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  1. These are all such helpful reminders, Nan. The one that I forget the most but need the most is to to remember to breathe deeply and slowly when experiencing tension and stress. Thanks for the helpful tips.

    1. Thanks for your comment and visit. Wishing you less stress and more moments of joy today!

  2. All great tips! I practice most of them, especially number 12. No one I know removes their shoes at the door and lots of people who know me think I'm weird for doing so. What it boils down to is most people I know are just nasty!! Thanks so much for linking up at the Unlimited Link Party 34. Pinned!

    1. Thanks Dee for the visit and comment. Wishing you a peaceful day.

  3. Wonderful tips and prompts to help keep us healthy. Thank you for the encouragement and reminders. I never knew peas had so much vitamin C!

    1. Thanks Pat. So glad you learned something new about peas. Wishing you a beautiful day!

  4. Nancy,
    I really like these simple quick ideas. I love the idea of surrounding myself with colors I love (easy enough) and I never realized that peas were so good for you. I make a vegan chopped liver using peas that is soooo good. In addition, taking off shoes is great too. Liked them all and will use them. Thanks Nancy.

  5. CONGRATS! Your post is FEATURED at my Unlimited Link Party 35!

    1. Thanks so much Dee for this honor. Appreciate being featured at Unlimited Link Party 35!Have a lovely day and THANKS again.

  6. Love these, and they are not difficult, even for a packed day. This post is one of my features for Senior Salon Pit Stop #263 on Monday, stop by and say hello!

    1. Thanks Melynda for this honor. I am thrilled and delighted that you selected my post, "16 One Minute Health Boosters" as a feature Senior Salon Pit Stop #263
