
Sunday, October 1, 2017

Take Steps to Stop Bullying

Anti-bullying Info and Tips

Bullying is a serious matter, and even kindergarten and elementary school children may have to cope with it. 

Post Updated 10/16/23

“Children and adolescents who are involved in bullying (either as an aggressor, as a victim, or both) put themselves at risk for a number of emotional and behavioral problems, now and in the future. 

Youngsters require support to learn how to develop healthy relationships.” 

Bullying is not limited to school age kids. It impacts health, safety, and well-being of individuals of all ages and radiates out to the nation and world we live in.

October is National Stop Bullying Month and your chance to Go Blue! Celebrate  World Bullying Prevention Month™ by wearing the color blue. 
Find out where and when activities are being sponsored in your area and take part. Do your share to raise awareness about bullying prevention. If your town or city doesn't have activities on the calendar, take the lead and organize one.

Bullying is:

Fighting, threatening, name-calling, teasing, or excluding someone repeatedly and over time

An imbalance of power, such as size or popularity

Physical, social, and emotional harm

Hurting another person to get something 

What Can You Do to Reduce Bullying?

Continue reading to discover many tips and ideas to help you. 

See important anti-bullying information from the American Psychological Association. This organization is located at 750 First St. NE, Washington, DC 20002-4242  | Telephone: (800) 374-2721; (202) 336-5500 | TDD/TTY: (202) 336-6123

Bullying: How parents can take action to prevent bullying


For the Parents of kids being 


Observe your child for signs they may be 
a target for bullying

Children may not always be vocal about being bullied. Signs include: ripped clothing, hesitation about going to school, decreased appetite, nightmares, crying, or general depression and anxiety. 

If you discover your child is being bullied, don’t tell them to “let it go” or “suck it up”. 

Instead, have open-ended conversations where you can learn what is really going on at school so that you can take the appropriate steps to rectify the situation. 

Most importantly, let your child know you will help him/her and that they should try not to fight back.

Teach your child how to handle being bullied

Until something can be done on an administrative level, work with your child to handle bullying without being crushed or defeated. 

Practice scenarios at home where your child learns how to ignore a bully and/or develop assertive strategies for coping with bullying. 

Help your child identify teachers and friends that can help them if they’re worried about being bullied.

Set boundaries with technology

Educate your children and yourself about cyberbullying and teach your children not to respond or forward threatening emails.

“Friend” your child on Facebook and other social media sites. Set up proper filters on your child’s computer. 

Make the family computer the only computer for children, and have it in a public place in the home where it is visible and can be monitored. 

If you decide to give your child a cell phone think carefully before allowing them to have a camera option. Let them know you will be monitoring their text messages. 

As a parent, you can insist that phones are stored in a public area, such as the kitchen, by a certain time at night to eliminate nighttime bullying and inappropriate messaging. 

Parents should report bullying to the school, and follow up with a letter that is copied to the school superintendent, if their initial inquiry receives no response.

Parents should report all threatening messages to the police and should document any text messages, emails or posts on websites.

For the parents of kids who are bullying others:

Stop bullying by educating your youngsters

Stop bullying before it starts by educating your children about bullying. Perhaps your child is having trouble reading social signs and does not know what they are doing is hurtful.  

Remind your child that bullying others can have social and legal consequences.

Make your home “bully free”
Children learn behavior through their parents. Being exposed to aggressive behavior or an overly strict environment at home makes kids more prone to bully at school. 

Parents/caregivers should model positive examples for your child in your relationships with other people and with them.

Look for self-esteem issues

Children with low self-esteem often bully to feel better about themselves. 

Even children who seem popular and well-liked can have mean tendencies. Mean behavior should be addressed by parents and disciplined.

Stand up against hate, racism, and discrimination. 

Change lives and the future by teaching your children to practice inclusion, equality, civility, and unity. Take positive steps that show you're kind rather than cruel. Say no to bullies everywhere.

Anti-bullying tips and ideas

Has bullying been a problem that has affected your family, friends, or acquaintances? 

Was it dealt with in an effective way? Explain in the comments section below.

Please do not put links in your comment, as we can't publish it that way.

Feel free to share any tips, ideas, or thoughts about this important subject as well. 

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  1. Hi Nancy,
    Thank you for posting this article. I have shared everywhere I can on social media. This is such a serious issue that happens everyday to some kids and causes so many problems. On the Dr. Phil show he has a lot of programs about this and you hear about how kids commit suicide because of the torment of bullying.

    1. Yes, it is a serious issue that sometimes has a tragic ending. It's so important that information about bullying comes to the forefront of our awareness, and we take action. Are you wearing BLUE today, Oct. 2nd? Thanks for your help in spreading the word.

  2. Nancy,
    I was a middle school teacher and a high school teacher. The middle school age was the worst for bullying. It is amazing how even at that young age some kids are already bullies. Thank you for bringing this awareness upfront. It is so needed..

    1. I agree with you Judee. Thanks for your comment and support. Have a great day!
